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More New Births!

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Praise the Lord! Two new Bengalis in Bangladesh, a Hindu and a Muslim, came into Jesus' arms this week! We have a group that has been taking a Zoom training class in how to reach out to Hindus from David and Cindy Peace, who are missionaries in India. Half of the class is here in the United States while the other half is in Bangladesh. One of the pastors taking the class with us in Bangladesh, by the name of Masum, has a close Hindu friend named Prakash. This week we were encouraged to speak to our Hindu friends about Jesus which Masum did with Prakash. During the conversation, Masum asked Prakash whether he would like to commit his life to follow Jesus and Prakash said that he would. So they prayed together and we now have a brand new believer from a Hindu background growing in his love for Jesus. The second person that Masum brought to the Lord was a Muslim friend of his that he has been witnessing to for over five years. His name is Mohiuddin. Mohiuddin was concerned that he would not be able to follow Jesus because he has several wives (something not uncommon in some Muslim countries, and in certain sectors of Islamic society). Pastor Masum explained to him that we must all come to Jesus just as we are and that Jesus will fix the things that are broken and which need fixing. So last night Mohiuddin also committed his life to follow Jesus. God is working tremendously in Bangladesh so please keep these new believers in prayer. These past two weeks we have also had a COVID scare. One of our Paraguayan friends by the name of Blas Wright, who prays with our ministry quite often, was admitted to the hospital with a sever case of COVID. He was struggling for his life for several days, but God started healing him in answer to our prays this last week. The oxygen that the hospital was administering to him is now slowly being decreased and today they told him that he will be going home soon. Please keep him in your prayers. His lungs are severely damaged though he is recuperating quickly. We have had some really great outreaches these last two weeks with several new contacts. Please keep us all in your prayers. Please continue to pray specifically for Mostafa, Joba, Beauty, and Hassan. We have had some really good Spirit-led conversations with each of these in the last 5 days. Be blessed and thank you for praying David Westmeier


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